Art Smart

Art Smart is an after school program that I am teaching for “at risk” 1st and 2nd-graders. I have about 15 kids that gather in my classroom for 2 hours after school, and we do art projects together. Most recently we created cities with water color paints.


Teaching elementary art is very different than teaching high school Ceramics, and Kindergarten is probably the most challenging for me! There’s always at least one in the group crying for his mommy, half of them take their shoes off and can’t get them back on again, and the average attention span is about 3 minutes. Combine that with a class of 25, one adult (me), and messy paint!

Luckily I have my mom as a resource, and her good advice has rescued me several times already this year. Breaking up the time with books and songs, not to mention the actual art project, seems to work best. We’ve done school bus pictures inspired by Donald Crews SCHOOL BUS, and underwater fish paintings inspired by Marcus Pfister’s Rainbow Fish. Stay tuned for more elementary school art… next time I’ll post some images of 1st-5th grade projects.

New Kiln

The new Geil kiln arrived at school over the spring break! We’re loading it up with projects and placing our kiln gods to watch over next week’s first firing.
Here’s a peek at the current project in class. My students continually astound me with their skill and creativity!

Totem Poles

These are the finished totem poles that will eventually be planted in our sculpture garden.
This is one section of a larger “totem pole” made from coils of clay and sculpted symbolic animals. I’m still working on this one as an example for my Ceramics students, who will be collaborating in groups to complete two finished 10′ poles.

Cow Skull

As I was working on this porcelain scull, I was thinking about some of Georgia O’Keefe’s southwest paintings. I’m still unsure of whether I will glaze all or part of this piece, and I’m playing with the idea of incorporating beaded patterns and feathers.