I was so thrilled when the 8th grade team invited me to lead a craft activity at the 8th grader’s annual Camp Sloggett excursion. Mr. Sanderl and I packed up our tent and prepared for 2 days of Koke’e camping with 120 middle schoolers! Check out Mr. Sanderl’s 2014 KMS KOKEE TRIP video on Vimeo for highlights.
The craft I chose is one that I remember from my own summer camp days at Miracle Ranch in Gig Harbor, Washington. In fact, that was probably the last time I made knotted friendship bracelets! Breathing the fresh mountain air, sharing a fun craft from my childhood, and bonding with the kids made camping one of this year’s highlights.
You are such an inspiration… Hope we can go to Koke’e together again this year!