Art Smart is an after school program that I am teaching for “at risk” 1st and 2nd-graders. I have about 15 kids that gather in my classroom for 2 hours after school, and we do art projects together. Most recently we created cities with water color paints.

By Julia

5 thoughts on “Art Smart”
  1. I wish you could be in my class too, Karen! If you were here, I would make you into my teaching assistant… I know that you are great with kids, and you’re a fantastic artist with lots of creative ideas.

  2. You have no idea how obsessed I am with buildings and colors! Now you have an idea how much I love those drawings. 🙂

  3. Thanks Carlos! Little kids are such amazing artists… they’re still such free spirits, and they just dive into projects without any inhibitions. It’s pretty cool. What’s also cool is your recent photography work… Chris and I are VERY impressed!

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